
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Coffee troubles

The effects of caffeine can be felt most strongly 6 hours after ingestion…which is when the caffeine is at its highest levels in the bloodstream.


I read that back when I was medical school. And I read some more of it here.


But my point is, I’m having a hard time sleeping now, because earlier tonight, when I was at this Singaporean coffee place, I had a couple of cups of brewed coffee one after the other. Don’t get me wrong, I like the taste and everything of coffee, but I only usually just drink one cup a day…and that’s usually in the morning.


And I don’t like this state of being awake, but not being able to think clearly. I hate working late at night…I’m a morning person, and this whacked up sleeping schedule is totally driving me bonkers.


It’s a perpetual state of awake “blankness”. I tried to doze off earlier on the couch but to no avail. I think I only got me a 20 minute “power nap” for my troubles.


Clarity of mind from coffee? So not true. For me, at least. And not tonight.


(Grand rounds anxiety? You bet. I’m actually scared. I need someone to make it all go away. and pronto.)


Sad smile


~ S.

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