
Thursday, February 25, 2010

NewsFlash: Physician Licensure Exams February 2010

Michael is 8th Place in the boards! (This is an old picture of some of my housemates and friends back in med school, at Aileen's birthday party. :-) Mike's the tallest guy in the back. So fresh-faced then, he's a board topnotcher now. woohoo! :-p

Congratulations to Ava, Marizel,Andrea, Precky, Rupie, Femie, Yvette, Dorkie, JOecel for passing the boards...Go MonTogs!! :-)

Congratulations to Chele, Goldie, Erni and Alex too! :-)

Let's Partey! :-)

(The full list of Names of board passers is here.)


This picture was from my camera, propped up on the tv so everyone could be in it,  taken at Aileen's birthday, January 2005... It's hard to believe it was 5 years ago na. :-))

1 comment:

  1. I bet Aileen was thinking the same thing on her birthday!



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